Plot a specific x-range (and y-range)
plot [-5:5] sin(x),cos(x)
plot [-5:5] [-2:2] sin(x),cos(x)
Replot last plot
Set labels of axis
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "y"
Specify line width when plotting
plot [-5:5] sin(x) lw 2,cos(x) lw 10
Specify title for key
plot sin(x) title "Sine function"
Output as PNG
set terminal png
set output "example.png"
List all available output methods (latex, ...):
set terminal
Enable 0-axis
set zeroaxis
Enable background grid
set grid
Specify resolution of background grid
set xtics 3.14159
set ytics 0.5
Using variables and functions
v = 2
m = 0
f(x) = 1/(v*sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-0.5*((x-m)/v)**2)
plot [-9:9] [-0.1:0.5] f(x)
Using the ternary operator
plot [-5:5] [-3:3] (x > 3.14159/2 ? sin(x) : cos(x))
Plot x-y-pairs form CSV file connected with lines
plot "example.csv" using 1:2 with lines
Use formatted date as X-coordinate for CSV input
set xdata time
set timefmt "%d.%m.%Y" # date format used in input file
set xtics rotate by -45
set format x "%Y-%m-%d" # date format for output
plot [] [-20:40] "data.csv" using 1:2 title "Column 2" with lines, "data.csv" using 1:3 title "Column 3" with lines
Scatterplot from column 2 and 3
plot [-15:35] [-15:35] "data.csv" using 2:3
Calculating with values from CSV files (difference)
plot [-15:35] [-15:35] "data.csv" using 3:($3-$4)
Multiple plots (2 rows, 1 column):
set multiplot layout 2,1
plot sin(x)
plot x**2
Recursive function definitions
set xrange [0:30]
set sample 30
q(x) = (x <= 2) ? 1 : q(x-q(x-1))+q(x-q(x-2))
plot q(x)
Polynomial interpolation using fit
p(x) = a0+a1*x+a2*x**2
fit p(x) "data.csv" via a0, a1, a2
plot "data.csv" using 1:2 title "measurements", p(x) title "interpolation"